My name is Portela and I live in Montreal, QC.

I moved here from the west side of Canada to explore my abilities as an individual and an artist.

This is a citation: Shulman, L. (2009). The concept of role in a dynamic system. The skills of helping individuals, families, groups, and communities 6th Ed, pp.422-456.

This is code: Notice the spacing of the letters now comparing to the previous text used.

Something most people do not know about me is that I identify as being Non-Binary, this refers to: people with any or no gender that is not exclusively male or female.

I am at times sensitive about it and it is important that people respect my pronous, they/them/their instead of she/her/he/him.

My mom is from Mexico and my father is from Spain so I was lucky enough to learn espaƱol.

This is the keyboard function, looks like code but it is not.

Currently, I have an internship at Dawson Community Centre in Verdun.
Specifically, I intern within the program Parents & Tots.
At the centre I spend most of my times with the toddlers and hopefully more with the parents soon.

Sample output also has monospace font.

In the future I hope to be able to do outreach work.

I don't know about you but I am so excited for the 1st day of summer.
Hopefully I remember to drink lots of H2O while out in the sun.

I was born in Edmonton, at .

We are not recommended to use underline because people can get confused and think it is a link.

And finally here are some letter varaiables: x, y, and a.